American Rebel or Child of God: Make Your Choice




Americans are taught from an early age to worship rebellion.

Many American Christians wrap the flag so tightly around their Bibles, it’s impossible for them to open them.  Which makes them worthless.

It’s suspected there’s a time coming when American Christians will be forced to make a choice: either be an American rebel, fighting against the civil authorities (which the Bible expressly forbids) OR be a Christian and submit to civil authority, whether one agrees with it or not.  Americans want to have it both ways–but they will be forced to make a choice.

The Right to Resist Evil Leaders The Christian History – It’s always amusing when pretend Christians takes a whack at interpreting the Bible. Oddly enough, they almost always to try and discredit what the Bible says. This is another example of that taking place in one of the Corporate Media’s (Satan’s Mouthpiece) favorite games: Let’s try and discredit Romans 13 so we can rebel!

This is little wonder as Lucifer was the original rebel.

The media has tried any number of tactics to discredit a very clearly written passage which states that Christians are to obey the civil authorities whether they agree with them or not.  There have been attempts to “prove” to Christians that Romans 13 doesn’t pertain to “tyrants” or “evil rulers.”  There’s some of that going on in this article as well.

The media has tried the “American exclusion clause.”  That one goes: Hey, we’re Americans and we didn’t obey the Bible the first time around and look at how great it turned out for us!  Yeah, just look.

They’ve tried the Obama Rule: The Bible is talking about everyone except Obama, he’s the antichrist!

The media attacks Romans 13 because it is the clearest–but by no means only–Bible verse on the subject.

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
Romans 13:1-2

That’s pretty clear, huh?  Resist the civil authorities, and receive damnation. The reason for this is pretty clear also: God rules all and sets up whom he will.

“”For the kingdom is the LORD’S; and he is the governor among the nations.”

Psalm 22:28

Rebel against the civil authorities and you are rebelling against God Himself.  Of course, the American rebel (who has been indoctrinated by satanic public schools, education systems and entertainment/media) does NOT want to hear this.

The American rebel/pretend Christian will usually trot out Acts 5:29 about Peter saying “We must obey God rather than men.”

And God’s Word is not silent on the subject: You want to obey God, obey the authorities.  Peter was not talking about the civil authorities anyway.  That would have been the Romans.  He was referring to the Jewish religious authorities.

Yeah, Peter had to deal with the same type of fake pretend religious people that true believers have to deal with in 2014. But again, the rebels don’t read their Bibles–except to look for opportunities to twist Scripture.

Of course, Satan’s Mouthpiece has much to say about that very clear meaning of Romans 13:1-2.  But there are plenty of other Bible verses which essentially tell the Christian the same thing: God puts who he wishes into power for whatever end He determines. We are not to rebel or resist the powers that God has installed. This includes authorities with which we don’t agree.  Here’s a few other verses which the Romans 13 attackers don’t bring up.

“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.”
1 Samuel 15:23

“Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.“
1 Peter 2:13-16

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;“
1 Timothy 2:1-3

“Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work,“
Titus 3:1

“The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government [authority].“
2 Peter 2:9-10

“My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change:”
Proverbs 24:21

“Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.”
1 Peter 2:17

“And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. And they marvelled at him.”
Mark 12:17

There are at least a dozen Scripture verses commanding Christians not to rebel against the civil authorities. No wonder the Corporate Media guys only want to take on Romans 13.


IF the government commands a Christian to break one of God’s laws (for instance, to murder) then the Christian is not to obey.  He’s not to take up arms; he’s not to fight the authorities; he’s not to join a rebellion:  he simply does not obey.  If the government comes for the Christian because of his disobedience, he can flee.

NO WHERE in the Bible is the Christian given permission to rebel against civil authority. Which is one reason American “patriots” wave the Bible around rather than read it.  Flags with serpents were very popular with the colonial rebels.  Wonder why?

Every time an article of the type found at the link is published (a very regular occurrence) this writer has to look up the various scriptural commandments about obeying civil authority.

That meant it was time for an article on the subject.

Americans can be rebels or they can be Christians.  They cannot be both regardless of what line the Corporate Media is pushing.  There will be no end of pretend Christians who will insist they can have it both ways.  And there will be no end of pretend Christians listening to them.

James 5:6-7 puts it plainly.

Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you. Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.

Does this mean the Christian is a coward (or any of the other names the world uses?)

No.  The Christian believes and places his faith in the Word of God, not men with schemes; not rebels with smooth words attempting to undermine the clear words of the Bible; not antichrist agents of Satan who pretend to be Christians to lead believers into disobedience.  True believers places their faith in God to avenge the wrongs a corrupt government might visit upon them.

“Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”
Romans 12:19

There will be plenty in the apostate American Church who will place rebellion ahead of God and try to have it both ways.  They are deceived.

It’s very simple.  Make your choice: Jesus or rebellion; eternal life or eternal damnation.

Those who do not agree: take it up with God–because you will be.

Maybe one of the media guys will show up to plead your case!  Maybe he will use all of the same arguments of men he uses now and will change God’s mind! Maybe even one of the guys trying to get you to join in the revolution will show up to explain to God why your disobedience was really okay because you were an American!

Wonder who will win that argument?

America as a Christian Nation: Lies about America’s Past

When is civil disobedience allowed for a Christian?

Romans 12 – An article by a defiant writer who calls himself a Christian, but declares he will not obey God’s Word.  He is not alone in America, a land that was born of rebellion.

Clearly, rebellion is wrapped up with the sin of pride. Christians are to submit, but Pride does not willingly submit. America long ago specialized into turning sin into virtue.

Pride was one of their very first projects.

[Portions of this article first appeared in End Times Prophecy Headlines: August 4, 2014.]



by Jeremiah J. Jameson
–with Mondo Frazier

image: pd

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. © Mondo Frazier, DBKP and End Times Prophecy Report, 2007-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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Author: Jeremiah J Jameson

End Times Prophecy Report - Publisher and author

26 thoughts on “American Rebel or Child of God: Make Your Choice”

  1. I agree with everything except I believe that Romans 13:1,2 is telling us that we will incur judgement or condemnation by the ordained authorities, not eternal damnation. However both of these consequences are horrible.


    1. Hi!

      I agree with everything except I believe that Romans 13:1,2 is telling us that we will incur judgement or condemnation by the ordained authorities, not eternal damnation.

      “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

      2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.”

      Some versions may translate the Greek word as “judgment” but it is a judgment eternal in nature.

      Cognate: 2917 kríma (a neuter noun derived from 2919 /krínō, “to distinguish, judge”) – judgment, emphasizing its result (note the -ma suffix). This is everlasting damnation (torment) for the unredeemed (the usual implication of 2319 /theostygḗs) – or the eternal benefits that come from the Lord’s judgment in favor of the redeemed (cf. Rev 20:4). See 2919 (krinō). 2917 /kríma (“the results of a judgment”) dramatically links cause-to-effect.

      The same word is translated as “damnation” or “condemnation (with eternal consequences)” or “judgment (from God)” in Luke 20:47, Mark 12:40, James 3:1, Romans 2:2 and 2:3. It’s used 28 times and ALL are speaking of judgment from God; many refer to condemnation/damnation with eternal consequences. None of its uses refer to anything other than God’s judgment.

      Like the other 27 times it’s used in the New Testament, it’s clear meaning here is judgment from God; in this case, the judgment is eternal damnation.

      Both consequences are horrible. The consequence referred to in Romans 13:2 is eternally horrible.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment!


      1. You’re welcome, Jeremiah!
        Because of the context of the verse, I disagree with your conclusion about eternal damnation…
        HOWEVER, I want to say that this article is needed! Some Christians have become rebellious in their thinking, speaking, and acting, setting themselves against the powers ordained by God. This disobedience extends to forgetting to pray, or dismissing the command to pray for those in authority simply because we disagree with their politics (their politics may be horrendous), and to sending emails (as Christians) which revile and mock, for example, the President.
        Seeing rebellion as a good thing (“the American way”), seeing it as our right and mandate, is very wrong and deceived. Rebellion and disobedience is pride – putting ourselves above God’s rule through sinful men, when He ordained that He would work through them.
        Sometimes, when the wicked rule, all we can do is to stand up for God’s Word and suffer for the Name of Christ. You’ve said more than once that we can resist when we’re called on to disobey God, but we have to realize that the only option is jail time or worse.
        Have a blessed day as you work for Him!


      2. Maria,

        “Because of the context of the verse, I disagree with your conclusion about eternal damnation…”

        Well, it’s not actually my conclusion. It’s the conclusion of Strong’s, Thayer’s and every other Greek concordance.

        Of course, the name of the game in these times is to undermine the very clear meaning of Romans 13:1-2 by any means possible. It’s not surprising the enemy has devoted so many resources attempting to create this confusion: chaos and anarchy are very necessary. The additional chaos from rebellion against God and His Word (alongside all of the other pleasantries he has planned) will be magnified by the numbers who might be led astray and into very clear disobedience.

        In fact, rebellion will one of the very clear ways believers will be able to tell who are the children of disobedience. A great many today who write (pretending to be Christians) give themselves away by advocating revolt and rebellion against the civil authorities.

        As noted, Romans 13:1-2 is the focus of these efforts. But along with all of the other verses in the Word of God, the message is unmistakeable: rebel against civil authority and you will not only reap earthly sorrow, you will be eternally damned.

        “Sometimes, when the wicked rule, all we can do is to stand up for God’s Word and suffer for the Name of Christ. You’ve said more than once that we can resist when we’re called on to disobey God, but we have to realize that the only option is jail time or worse.”

        Yes. I agree completely IF “resistance” is defined as “passive disobedience when the laws of man contradict God’s law.”

        Again, we are allowed to not obey and to flee. We are NOT to take up arms. That is expressly forbidden by the Bible. The Bible says very clearly that those who take up arms will be killed in that manner (and it says it twice: Rev 13:10 and Matthew 26:52.)

        Thank you once more!

        May your continued study in God’s Word be blessed!


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