1952 New World Order Map: ForeignTroop Patrol Map

1952 World Associations of Parliamentarians
1952 World Associations of Parliamentarians map: Depicts zones for the New World Order and what (current) country is responsible for the troops to patrol other zones.




NOTE: A link at the end of this article provides a larger map much easier to read.

Interesting points about this map–published in the Times (UK) in 1952:
1- The “nation” responsible for keeping order in the Midwest USA is listed as “Belgium.” This is obviously NATO forces, headquartered in Belgium since 1967. (Before 1967, NATO’s headquarters were in Rocquencourt, France.) How did the designers of the map know in 1952 about this future move of NATO?
2- The nation responsible for patrolling the Eastern USA? Venezuela, according to the map. In 1952, Venezuela would have had a hard time patrolling Delaware, let alone the entire eastern USA. How did the WAPWG know in 1952 about Venezuela’s military buildup in the 2000s?
3- Notice that the Central Muslim nations (which broke away from Russia in 1990 upon dissolution of the USSR, are separate entities on this map. What a coincidence!
4- Troops from one nationality patrol other zones. Americans will be hesitant to fire upon Americans–but will have no qualms about firing on Afghans or Argentinians. Likewise with Russians, etc.

Invitation to the Seventh World Conference of the World Association of Parliamentarians for World Government, Certificate. – Invitation to the 1958 conference of WAPWG issued to Linus Pauling.

World Federalist Movement – Can’t have a New World Order, one-world government without a “movement” demanding it, can you?

New World Order Plan to Militarize, Patrol and Enslave the World

World Government Plan: Aliens to police the USA – This last link is included because if the reader clicks on the map at this website, it becomes much larger–and easier to read.

The author of the website pooh-poohs the map and its obvious intentions–in spite of the fact that by 2008 (when he published this map) those obvious intentions were fairly far along in their development.

One difference: this larger map has “Irish” as the group policing the Western USA. On all other copies of this map which this writer has seen (and/or possesses) that designation was “Chinese.” “Mongolian” on one copy, which is not at all clear. One other copy has an unreadable designation which PERHAPS might be “Irish.”

by Jeremiah J. Jameson

© Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report, 2012-13. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jeremiah J. Jameson and End Times Prophecy Report with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Author: Jeremiah J Jameson

End Times Prophecy Report - Publisher and author